Tuesday, September 20, 2011

terrific two...

being able to view the world thru the eyes of a child is a pretty magical thing... today marks my 730th day taking the world in from this vantage point and, i must admit, i am forever changed.

from here...  each day is greeted with a smile...the world is a big place with an adventure around every corner... and each step is an exploration in self-discovery...you wear your heart on your sleeve... you trust in people... you laugh at yourself,..and you cry, too...you appreciate the small things...you embrace your independence...you cherish the security of home... you pass no judgement...there is always love & a smile to share...and you laugh, SO much.

curren oliver, you rule. your wit, passion, kindness and eye for adventure inspire me. i love you beyond belief. happy birthday!!!

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