Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Biodiesel Grants

The government is now making an extensive drive of promoting the use of alternative fuels specifically the biodiesel. The government and the private sectors alike are now working hand and hand to make the move to alternative fuels realizable. Both have their own contributions in the development of the alternative fuels. Most of their projects are focused on the developments of the biodiesel and other alternative fuel technologies. But with the lack of information and cooperation from the ordinary people, these projects are moving at slower paces. They need the help of the people in order to see some lights in their projects for their success lies on the people as users and makers of the needed resources. And to attract more people to support the project, the government is giving grants such as the biodiesel grant to all the supporters of the project.

The biodiesel grants give special grants or rewards to biodiesel producers. The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in particular gives small grants worth $3,000 for those who are interested in producing biodiesel. The NCAT is an organization that helps the people and the community to adopt the new technologies that help save energy and other resources. The group also gives the same grant amount to the farmers who raise crops that can be used as good sources of the oil needed in making biodiesel. These grants are also open for projects that deal in the development of biodiesel and discovery of new biodiesel formulas.

If you are a farmer and you want to shift into planting of crops for use in biodiesel, you can use the said biodiesel grant to support your farming needs. You can avail of the special projects of the government and other sectors regarding the development of biodiesel fuels.

Not only the farmers and the biodiesel developers benefit in these grants. In Florida, one of their public bus systems-the Lynx now uses biodiesel on their 290 units. This move by the company from using diesel fuels to the use of biodiesel-blended fuels was given recognition by the government. In fact, the Florida Renewable Energy Grants Program has given them a two-year biodiesel grant worth $2.5 million. With this grant amount and to support heir own consumption of the biodiesel, the Lynx has built its own blending station. Their station will also serve as a medium for the biodiesel and demonstration projects in their area aside from supporting their own fuel needs. Their station is capable of replacing 1.2 million gallons of diesel with cleaner and renewable fuel. The grant given to the Lynx has made their transition easier and at the same time it gave them the resources for their maintenance.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about biodiesel grants , please visit Alternative Fuels Today for current articles and discussions. Article Source:

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