and with inspiration comes inspiration icons... those people who stand out in the crowd. who grab your attention and suck you into their world. who set the bar in your book. those who light a fire under your butt and motivate you to make your own, individual, mark on this hugely awesome world we live in.
i have a growing list of these icons and the first i'd like to share with you is jonathan adler... ceramics master and the namesake behind his ever-growing, highly coveted, home decor & interior design business.
he's the hip-daddy of "happy chic" and an inspiration icon to me because... he embraces and confidently exudes his individuality and unique personality as the foundation of his business. from his classic pottery pieces to his newly launched table linens, his pieces are recognizable, a bit quirky & always fun... most importantly, he makes you want to be a part of his world. oh...and he believes in rustic modernism...my fave.
in his own words...
Jonathan Adler
...is a design company dedicated to bringing style, craft, joy, and a general feeling of grooviness to your home.
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