Thursday, January 27, 2011


I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post!!! Alot has happened in my life since then. Some good and some very very sad! During the last several months, due to TONS of stress, I went through a lot of nutritional cheating! I got back on dairy, my sugar intake went sky high, and I was eating a lot of junk food!!! You can't imagine the affects this had on my body. I began gaining weight. I was breaking out more often and my energy level plummetted.

So, about 2 weeks ago, I made the decision to get back on track with my diet. I was starting a new business and I needed a huge boost in my energy level! I stopped the dairy, sugar, and junk food and after only 2 weeks, I've lost several pounds and my energy level is getting higher and higher everyday =) I don't ever want to get that lazy with my health again!

Anyway, I'm very excited to be back on track with my diet and I'm hoping to get back to blogging about all kinds of health stuff on a regular basis again! I look forward to sharing more with you very soon =)

Have a blessed and healthy day!

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