Friday, October 8, 2010

Bioethanol Q&A

How much heat does a biofireplace loose?

While in traditional fireplaces 60% of heat is lost up the chimney, in biofireplaces 100% of heat energy from burning biofuel remains in the room - thus no heat is lost. Similar to a biofireplace, 100% of heat energy from biofuel burning in a glass fire remains in the room.

For a 2- 5 hour period how much bioethanol fuel would I use relative to a 300kw radiator?

Depending on the flame head setting (adjustment), 1 litre of biofuel is consumed in 2-5 hours and replaces a 3000W radiator.

Compared to my traditional heating, how long do biofireplaces and glass fires have to be burning to feel a significant increase in room temperature?

Biofireplaces provide a perfect supplement to traditional heating. Within just a few minutes of lighting you can feel a considerable increase in your room temperature. Like a biofireplace, a glass fire is an efficient source of heat, and although it certainly does not replace the heating system, it may serve as its supplementation in transitory periods such as spring and autumn. If a glass fire is placed in a small room (e.g. a bathroom), a few minutes is enough to make the room warmer.

Will burning a biofireplace or glass fire cause the air in the room to dry out?

Ordinary sources of heat such as radiators or electric heaters usually dry out the air. When burning biofireplaces and glass fires, steam is emitted which increases relative humidity.

Is it possible for me to use a biofireplace or glass fire for aromatherapy?

Special structure of the product makes it possible to insert dishes containing aromatherapy preparations. Having reached optimum temperature, steam particles combine with an active substance in the preparation and are subsequently inhaled. Owing to the process of free convection, heated and humidified air filled with the preparation is equally distributed throughout the entire room. The convection makes it possible to undergo aromatherapy during work, meetings with friends, or relaxation.

How safe is the fuel?

Having been thoroughly tested, the fuel received the approval of specialists from the Environmental Toxicology Department of the National Institute of Hygiene in regard to its safety for people and the environment, and with reservation of use in accordance with designation, label instructions and the operations manual.

Is bioethanol a renewable source of energy?

Bioethanol fuel is a biologically clean product of plant origin, which has undergone rectification three times. It constitutes a wholly renewable source of energy.

Is smoke emitted during burning?

Neither smell nor smoke is emitted during burning. As a result of burning, steam and CO2 remain in the air in proportions similar to those contained in the air exhaled by humans. No undesired side-effects such as smoke, ash or solid remains.

How do I find out about the burning conditions that are required?

Burning conditions have been specified in the fireplace safe operations manual.

Is room ventilation required where the biofireplace or glass fire is burning?

Burning in biofireplaces, as with all open fires, requires a regular provision of air (room ventilation system in a good working condition). However, unlike traditional fireplaces a chimney or external wall exit is not required. In apartment conditions with small cubic capacity a slightly opened window will do.

Retrieved from: Kedco

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