Friday, October 8, 2010

Meeting America’s energy needs means moving to 15%

Growth Energy and 51 ethanol producers are asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to approve the use of ethanol blended with gasoline up to 15%. Novozymes supports these efforts to raise the current US limit.

We believe that the current limitation of no more than 10% ethanol in gasoline needs be lifted soon in order to comply with the US Renewable Fuels Standard and the longer-term objectives set by the US Administration, including the introduction of second-generation technology.

The E15 waiver request was submitted to the EPA on March 6, 2009 and currently, the EPA is considering whether to allow an increase in the base blend of ethanol in gasoline.  As part of the process, the EPA has opened up a comment period to allow the public to express their views on increasing the allowable ethanol blend in gasoline.  All comments submitted by May 21, 2009 will be considered by the EPA.

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) has launched a petition for E15 on its website, found at We invite you to visit the website to learn more and add you name.

We also invite you to visit the Growth Energy website if you are interested in submitting a comment to the EPA for consideration on the E15 waiver request, or would like to learn more about this initiative.

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