Friday, October 8, 2010

Biomass enzyme production

Novozymes is focused on delivering the enzymes needed to convert various cellulose based biomass substrates into simple sugars for further conversion into biofuels.  While Novozymes has focused efforts on significantly reducing the amount of enzymes needed, cellulosic substrates still require significantly more enzymes for effective conversion when compared to starch based substrates. The projected volumes of enzymes needed for cellulosic biomass conversion has been carefully evaluated by Novozymes when considering how to produce these enzymes; the two primary models of production considered are large “hub” facilities close to the biorefineries and “on-site” enzyme production at each biorefinery.

After careful evaluation of these two production scenarios, Novozymes has concluded that the “hub” enzyme production model will best service the future biofuels industry. This model provides economy of scale which translates to lower operational costs, as well as the ability for timely incorporation of new enzymes and process improvements into production. As enzyme and process technology improves, the amount of enzymes needed is reduced potentially making on-site enzyme plants oversized.

While there are potential benefits to on-site enzyme production, these are offset by the economy of scale benefits of running large hub facilities close to the biorefineries. Economies of scale, constant high utilization of production capacity, optimal plant management, and process as well as product implementation set-up are important when considering the big picture. These considerations are more efficient in a hub model.

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