Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Prospects of Coconut Processing Byproducts

ABSTRACT : The fruit flesh is the main component of coconut, while coconut fiber, shell, and water is a byproduct of fruit (by-product). With the production of coconuts in Indonesia, an average of 15.5 billion eggs per year, the total follow-up materials that can be gained 3.75 million tons of water, 0.75 million tons of charcoal, 1.8 million tons of coir fiber, and 3.3 million tons of coir dust as a byproduct.

Feasibility of processing byproduct of coconut fruit is very promising if planned and managed properly. Based on financial analysis in 2004, B / C and IRR coir processing into fibers and coir dust for 10 years was 3.58 and 76%; shell into charcoal for 5 years 1.11 and 23%, and coconut water become nata de coco for 5 years 1.32 and 32%.

Development of by-product processing industry should be supported by technical feasibility, especially the availability of raw material supply and marketing, and processing equipment that is suitable for processing fiber. To obtain sufficient raw materials for processing coconut husk required area 300 ha. Coir processing is integrated with the processing of coir dust into compost in order to obtain additional income. To produce 1 ton of fiber is obtained about 5 tons of coir dust. Location processing byproduct should be in the vicinity of the source of raw materials and to ensure continuity of supply and product marketing efforts suggested in the form of joint enterprise.

Keywords : Coconut, Cocos nucifera L., processing, byproduct
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