Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today I thought I would share a few thoughts on sprouts :-) I absolutely LOVE sprouts!!! Alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, mung bean sprouts... I haven't met a sprout yet, that I did not like :-) We currently live in an area where good fresh sprouts are very hard to come by. So, on Sunday, I decided to begin sprouting my own sprouts! I'm sooooo excited to see them growing and changing from the tiny little seeds that they were into lovely little sprouts! I decided to begin with broccoli sprouts since they are known to be the most nutritious of all the sprouts available. So far they are looking very good.

You may be asking your self, what benefits are there to eating sprouts? Sprouts contain concentrated amounts of phytochemicals (plant compounds) that can protect us against disease. They help with bone formation and bone density and can even prevent bone breakdown (osteoporosis). They can also be helpful in controlling hot flashes, menopause, PMS and fibrocystic breasts tumors. There are soooo many reasons to eat sprouts, but for me the answer is simple... I just love the way they taste!

If you're interested in growing your own sprouts, here are a few places to start:

Have Fun!

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