Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yay! Thursday :-)

  Thursdays are my absolute favorite days of the week and wouldn't you know my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving (which ALWAYS falls on a Thursday!!!) Why, you may ask, do I like Thursdays so much? 'Cause it's the kick off day to the weekend!

So what's for dinner tonight? Hmmmm, I'm thinking mexican :-) We LOVE enchiladas at our house. Here's my vegan version:

Veggie Enchiladas

10 sm/med whole grain or sprouted grain tortillas
4 cups of cooked dried beans mashed with a little bean juice (we prefer pintos)
1 small package of organic baby spinach
5 green onions chopped
1 package shredded vegan cheese (optional)
1 large can of enchilada sauce
1 large can of tomato sauce
1 package vegan sour cream (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray or lightly oil 2- 9"x13" baking pans. Spread beans over center of one tortilla. Add cheese, onions, and spinach. Roll tightly. Place on one of the baking pans. Continue with each tortilla leaving a small space between them on the pan. I usually get 5 on each pan. Mix tomato and enchilada sauce in a bowl. Pour half the sauce over one pan and the other half over the other. Sprinkle with a little more vegan cheese. Cook for 25-30 minutes Serve with your favorite rice or a side of steamed veggies. (Cheese may be omitted) Serves 5 hungry people :-)

Here are the results :

Before                                                                              After, yum!

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