Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coconut Oil

So, there is a lot of controversy out there over the benefits and ill effects of coconut oil. But, there is one use for it that should not affect your cholestorol in any way :-) I began using coconut oil as a moisturizer every night about a year ago. Last winter, my face would stay sooooo dry during the day and it would cause my makeup to peel- even after using lotions and creams. I decided to start applying coconut oil to my face each night after washing it. After only a few days, I began to notice a significant difference in the smoothness of my skin. Then recently, I stumbled across an even better way to use the oil.  I tend to have break outs from time to time and have had a hard time finding a solution to these minor annoyances. My skin cleared some, after going off of meat and dairy, but I was still having the occasional hormonal acne. About a month ago, I purchased a really great all natural clay mask. I began using the mask, 3 to 4 times a week and would apply my coconut oil, immediately following. The next morning my skin would look ALOT clearer and feel more silky and smooth!! This combination, really seems to be working well for me.

Coconut oil is also great for stress relief, conditioning your hair, digestion, cooking and baking, and a whole lot more :-)

Here are a few places to purchase your own container of this multi-purpose wonder:

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