Sunday, March 20, 2011

entertain-tip #3... sgroppino

years ago i helped open a restaurant and was introduced to this lovely gem of a drink. we'd serve it to our most favorite customer's at the end of a meal as a way to say thanks (and please leave a good tip!).

sgroppino is a burst of slushy goodness in your mouth. it's perfect for cleansing your palate after a dinner.... or perfect, in my opinion, just about any time.

and on top of being perfect, it's suuuuuuuuuuper simple to make.

1 cup lemon sorbet
2 cups prosecco
a shot or two of vodka (optional)

stick all ingredients in a blender until perfectly slushed.
whip them up in small batches or feel free to make a pitcher!

once you've perfected the basic recipe, feel free to get experimental. things that i may or may not have tried in my sgroppino's include:
raspberry sorbet, a hint of mint, blueberries, meyer lemon zest, the teeniest hint of rosemary

please let me know when you whip up a batch...and, i'll be right over.

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