oh biebs. i'm not quite sure how it happened, but you've managed to bring my 20 year crush on donnie whalberg to a screeeeeching halt AND run off with my heart... all in the matter of a few weeks.
yes, you're 17 and i'm 33 but i've got to thank you for awakening the lively little teeny-bopper inside of me and giving her reason to get giddy again. i've read your vanity fair article...i've watched you melt hearts on ellen...i've seen your movie...and each of those further confirmed just how RAD you are.
sweet, sincere, witty, confident, hardworking and real... i hope stardom never changes you.
at my age, i just wouldn't feel right decorating my bedroom walls from top to bottom with pictures of you or spend half of my day dreaming about how we'll fall madly in love and live happily ever after... but if you happen to see me running around town in an unmarked, purple, american apparel hoodie you can be damn sure that it's my grown up way of showing you how AWESOME i think you are.
oh..and justin...one more little thing.
if you do happen to see me running around town in my hoodie, can you please make sure to stop me, so you can autograph it, and maybe if i'm lucky... give me front row tixs to your next show? thanks dude.
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