Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have begun working outside my home. This has been quite an adjustment for me. During my training process, I was VERY stressed out! Other than taking walks at the park, it had been a long time since I had done any type of exercise. So, on day two of my training, before I headed to work, I got out my trusty purple yoga mat and began to unwind. It was AWESOME! I cannot explain how calming yoga can be to your nerves. As you focus on your body and the positions you are trying to get into, all your worries and frustrations just seem to melt away. By the end of my workout, I had totally forgotten about the knots in my stomach ;-)

If you are on a rather strict budget, as I am at this current time or if you are afraid to workout in front of others for various different reasons,  a great way to get started is through one of the many free yoga podcasts that you can find on itunes. They are soooooo wonderful and don't cost a penny. My favorite is Yogamazing with Chaz Rough. He is very good at explaining the positions and how to get into them properly.

I will leave you with an image of my favorite pose.... Namaste ♥

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