Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Indonesian Palm Oil Conference & Price Outlook 2010

The Indonesian Palm Oil Conference & Price Outlook is an annual forum for the palm oil industry, organized by the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (also known as GAPKI). This event will provide detailed information on palm oil price forecasts, market dynamics, as well as discussions on the latest issues in the industry.

Moreover, with attendance of more than a thousand people from around the world, this conference also provides an excellent opportunity to build up a business network within the international palm oil industry. This year marks our sixth conference, which will be held in Bali, Indonesia from 1-3 December 2010. For more detailed information about the event, feel free to browse the website HERE..


Report says on-shore fish processing best for region

A REPORT on how Forum island countries (FICs) could maximise sustainable returns from their fisheries resources says revenue to the FICs will increase if the region undertakes more on-shore processing of the resource.

The report by the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) called “Maximising the Sustainable Returns from Fisheries Resources in the Pacific” has been presented at the 14th Forum Economic Ministers’ Meeting (FEMM) being held in Alofi, Niue 26 – 28 October 2010.

The FFA report is primarily restricted to the Agency’s work in enhancing the economic returns from the off-shore fishery.

The report is one of several addressing the overarching theme of the 14th FEMM: “Broadening the Economic Base”.

The FFA report states the number of persons employed in the commercial fisheries sector in Forum island countries (FICs) can be expected to double in the next five years from the 13,000 in December 2009s as more of the fish caught in the region is processed by FICs.Recent estimates also suggest that FICs receive some US$70 million a year for access fees charged for fishing in their waters of an estimated catch value of US$4 billion.

The Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) adopted by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) to allow more access to the purse seine fishery is expected to result in greater returns to the participating coastal states and more effective management of fishing levels.

The FFA report states that current returns to domestic economies from the fisheries sector largely fall into two categories; access fee revenue and revenues derived directly or indirectly from fisheries sector activities impacting on local economies.

Of these, access fee revenue currently makes the larger contribution although contribution of the tuna fisheries sector to national GDPs is also increasing where shore-side investments have been successfully established.

FFA studies also showed that, in the case of purse seine fishery, for each 100 metric tonne caught, the catching sector generates 0.7 jobs, and the same 100 metric tonne, if processed ashore, would generate seven jobs.

For the longline fishery the benefits of shore-side processing are not so high but still jobs are being increased by 50% if the catch is processed ashore.

Overall the Report states that FFA studies showed that returns to the local economies tripled if the catch is processed ashore.

An additional FFA study which examined the reasons for past success or failure of commercial fisheries enterprises in the region established the importance of appropriately experienced and resourced private sector involvement, while at the same time emphasizing the role of government in establishing an enabling environment and building strategic partnerships between the various stakeholders in such projects.

On future directions, the FFA report explains that the Regional Tuna Management and Development Strategy 2009-2014 seeks to achieve enhanced development outcomes from the fisheries resources by, inter alia, “further providing a way to maximize long-term economic and social benefits available to FFA members”.

The Forum Economic Ministers will discuss means by which the efforts of FICs planning and development agencies can assist to increase the countries’ revenue from the fishery sector in collaboration with national fisheries agencies, as well as, regional bodies such as FFA and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), and the sub-regional PNA and Te Vaka Moana groupings.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brazil toasts ’sweet success’ with growing biofuels industry

Following on from the initial success of the world's first application of sugarcane-based ethanol in a gas turbine system, American energy conglomerate General Electric (GE) has received a contract from Brazil's federally power firm Petrobras, to transform a second unit on the same site, so that it too burns the alternative fuel.

The plant in question serves the entire population of Juiz de Fora – a city located to the north west of Rio de Janiero. Maria da Graca Foster, director of gas and energy for Petrobras, recently explained the development and said that it promised a number of benefits.

"Petrobras and GE formed a successful partnership for the conversion of a first aero-derivative gas turbine at UTE Juiz de Fora (MG) for dual-fuel operation – natural gas or ethanol. It is the first power plant in the world to operate with ethanol to generate electricity. Now, the partnership is repeated for the conversion of the second turbine at UTE Juiz de Fora. This is another Petrobras initiative to diversify sources for power generation, allowing greater flexibility in its power plants," she said.

At present, the Juiz de Fora plant is a simple-cycle natural gas plant, with an overall output of around 87 megawatts. The facility boasts two gas turbines – one with GE-customised combustors enabling the use of ethanol as well as natural gas. This special capability is said to enhance the plant's energy security and boost its reliability, by providing a valuable alternative source, where previously only one type of fuel could be used.

Darryl Wilson, vice-president of GE Power and Water's aero-derivative gas turbines division, said: "GE’s strategic marketing group has recently concluded that electricity demand is expected to double in the next 20 years, while demand for clean water may triple. With this growth, a greater demand for unconventional fuels, especially those that help control atmospheric emissions, is likely."

He added: "To better support this rising need for reduced environmental impact and improved plant economics, we are focused on developing alternative fuel solutions, like the project at Juiz de Fora, which will further augment the portfolio’s existing performance flexibility."

Following on from the initial success, the second gas turbine is now set to be retrofitted with an ethanol burner, allowing it to produce sustainable electricity on a large, commercial scale. As the world's second-largest producer of ethanol – and the biggest exporter of the gas – Brazil stands to benefit greatly from incorporating such an efficient fuel.

Ethanol has the potential to significantly reduce emissions arising from power generation, compared with the use of diesel oil or similar fossil fuels when natural gas is in short supply. So to what extent can the use of biofuels in power generation benefit an emerging nation like Brazil?

Well, sugarcane-based ethanol is thought to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by around six per cent. Specifically, this would represent a 6,500-tonne improvement to Brazil – the equivalent of 1,800 cars being taken off the country's roads.

Further to this, the amount of water used in the combustion process can be trimmed by as much as 20 million litres. Such reductions measure up to approximately the level of daily water consumption in Sao Paulo. In addition, the sugar-based biofuel removes the issue of sulphur dioxide emission completely – and reduces output of nitrous oxide by around three per cent.

There is no doubt that, with such positive outcomes so far, Brazil's apparent future as a world leader in alternative energy has the potential to provide the country with cleaner air and an overall improvement in eco-credentials.

It would be reasonable to assume, however, that the development of hi-tech industry such as this promises a number of other benefits. As a global supplier of energy, GE employs more than 85,000 worldwide – and a growing number of these workers are based in Brazil.

While the Brazilian economy is soaring way ahead of many others around the globe, boosts to employment are always going to be welcome. There also has to be some benefit to come from other countries viewing Brazil as a key player in cutting-edge, environmentally-friendly technology.

Retrieved from: 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Agroindustry of Fermented Products

  • Derived from ‘fervere’: boiling appearance of the action of yeast on extracts of fruit/malted grain.
  • It is due to the production of CO2 bubbles caused by the anaerobic catabolism of the sugars present in the extract.
  • Biochemists = fermentation = generation of energy by catabolism of organic compound
  • Industrial microbiologist = fermentation = any process for the production of product by the mass culture of a microorganism (Stanbury & Whitaker, 1984)
  • Fermentation = gradual change done by enzymes of microorganism (mold, yeast, bacteria) (Hidayat et al, 2006)

The Range of Fermentation Processes
  • There are 4 major groups of commercially important fermentations :
    1. produce microbial cells (or biomass) as the product, co : baker’s yeast, yeast for single cell protein, ‘ragi’, probiotics
    2. produce microbial enzymes, co: amylase, protease, pectinase, catalase, glucose oxidase, etc
    3. produce microbial metabolites, co : ethanol, citric acid, vitamins, acetone, butanol, glutamic acid, lysine, etc
    4. modify a compound which is added to the fermentation– the transformation processes, co: conversion of ethanol to acetic acid at vinegar, production of steroid, antibiotics and prostaglandin
  • the advantages : operating at relatively low temperature, without the requirement for potentially polluting heavy metal catalyst.

The Chronological Development of The Fermentation Industry
  • Pre 1900 : alcohol and vinegar; batch, using pure cultures and ‘good vinegar
  • 1900 - 1940 : baker’s yeast, glycerol, citric acid, lactic acid, acetone / butanol; bath fed batch - using pure cultures
  • 1940 - date : penicillin, streptomycin, other antibiotics, gibberelin, amino acid, nucleotides, enzyme, transformation; batch, fed batch, continuous, mutation and selection programmes essential
  • 1960 - date : single cell protein; continuous medium recycle, genetic engineering of production strains
  • 1979 - date : foreign compounds, not normally produced by microbial cells ex : insulin, interferon; batch, fed batch continuous batch, genetic engineering to introduce foreign genes into microbial host

Fermentation Products and their Microbial Producers

The Present Development of Industrial Fermentation
  • Microbial cell of probiotics : capsule, drink/beverages
  • Amylase and glucose isomerase for fructose syrup production as diet sweetener
  • Colouringagent from microorganism for textile colours
  • Biodieselas energy source to replace petroleum
  • Bioinsecticides
  • Microbial bioplastics(Polyhydroxyalkanoates)
  • Isoflavonof soybean
  • Lipase for detergent 

By: MS. Maulana

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prediksi Gapki: Produksi Minyak Sawit Indonesia 2010 Naik

Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia memperkirakan, produksi minyak sawit Indonesia pada 2010 akan naik melampaui produksi pada 2009. Diperkirakan, produksi tahun ini akan menembus angka 22 juta ton.
"Walaupun mendapat tekanan dan hambatan dalam perdagangan terutama ke Uni Eropa, produksi dan ekspor minyak sawit tahun ini diperkirakan melampaui tahun lalu," ungkap Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) Joefly Bahroeny dalam peluncuran perayaan "Semarak 100 Tahun Kelapa Sawit Komersial di Indonesia" di Hotel Borobudur, Jumat (22/10/2010).

Joefly mengatakan, dari perkiraan produksi itu, sekitar 16 juta tonnya akan diekspor negara lain. Dalam usia komersialisasi ke-100 ini, lanjutnya, Indonesia memang sudah tercatat sebagai penghasil minyak sawit terbesar di dunia. "Bahkan, kalau digabung dengan Malaysia, Indonesia dan Malaysia menguasai 80 persen perdagangan minyak sawit di dunia," tambahnya.

Saat ini, Joefly mengatakan, luas areal kebun sawit di Indonesia sudah mencapai 8 juta hektar. Produksi minyak sawit saat ini menyumbang sekitar 15,6 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 150 triliun atau 15 persen dari penerimaan negara pada 2008.

Laporan wartawan Caroline Damanik

Sumber :

Asia Pulp & Paper Disappointed by U.S. International Trade Commission Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), the leading exporter of coated paper from China and Indonesia, expressed disappointment in the U.S. International Trade Commission’s determination that the domestic industry has been threatened with material injury by its products. As a result of the Commission’s 6-0 vote where five commissioners cited threat, antidumping and countervailing duties will be imposed on imports of certain coated paper products from China and Indonesia.

“We are extremely disappointed in the Commission’s decision,” said Terry Hunley, Acting President, APP Americas. “The evidence we presented strongly demonstrated that our imports have not harmed U.S. producers. We believe there are very strong grounds for appeal and we will begin pursuing our appeal options immediately.”

The coated paper investigated in this case is typically used for printing multicolored graphics for catalogs, books, magazines, labels and wraps, greeting cards and other items requiring high-quality print graphics. As a result of the Commission’s determination, APP product from China will be assessed a 25.2 percent AD/CVD duty rate. APP product from Indonesia will be assessed a duty rate of 38.0 percent.

“I want to assure our customers that we will continue to fight these duties, which are without merit,” Hunley noted. “We respect the Commission’s proceeding, but we believe this decision is not supported by the evidentiary record and will work to have it overturned. We remain committed to serving our customers in the United States and providing them with the quality service they have come to expect from us.”

Retrieved from:

Businesses Warm to Indonesia's Moratorium on Forest Clearing

The Indonesian government is imposing a moratorium on forest clearing in return for $1 billion grant from Norway to fund projects to curtail deforestation and land degradation. Environmental groups and some businesses welcome the freeze.

Starting in January, Indonesia will bar companies from clearing native forest and peat lands for two years. Timber, pulp and paper operations, and palm oil plantations will be banned from expanding onto new concessions.

The decision initially raised concerns that it would set off a rush of land acquisitions or hurt the economy.

But now many business people and environmentalists say timber industries can still develop land for which they already hold licenses, and they will be able to expand into areas that have been degraded by erosion or previous uses.

The timber and palm oil industries contribute to the destruction of around two-million hectares of Indonesian forest each year, the leading cause of the country's greenhouse gas emissions.

Environmental groups consider the freeze an opportunity for businesses to improve their forest management.

Bustar Maitar works with Greenpeace:

"This moratorium also is the opportunity for the industry to improve the productivity of their plantations," said Bustar Maitar. "The yield of production of Indonesian plantations is very low compared with Malaysian plantations."

Although Indonesia produces more palm oil than neighboring Malaysia, it yields less per hectare. If companies become more efficient, Maitar says they could expand production without destroying the forest.

Some environmental groups, however, say stopping plantations from expanding is unrealistic. They say it is more important to set out clear regulations on forest ownership and land planning.

The government says around 40 million hectares of degraded land could be used for palm plantations, but it has not decided on a formal definition of what degraded land is or where it is located.

Indonesia pledged to reduce its carbon emissions by 26 percent by 2020. Much of that reduction can come from protecting its forests and peat land. They lock in carbon, but release it when they are used for planting.

Greenhouse gas emissions are thought to contribute to global warming. Countries around the world are debating how best to reduce emissions without stalling economic growth.

Aida Greenbury manages sustainability programs at Asia Pulp and Paper, one of the region's largest paper companies. She says government and business must work together to save Indonesia's forests.

"No one company can single-handedly address the issues of protection of rainforest and climate change," said Aida Greenbury. "We are simply not large enough and we do not have influence over enough land."

Greenbury says her company sets aside 40 percent of its 2.5 million hectares for conservation and that it has invested in protecting tiger and orangutan habitats.

She says poverty is the leading cause of deforestation, and that by providing jobs, plantations help reduce illegal logging.

Forestry and its related industries account for about 5.5 percent of Indonesia's $515-billion economy.

Sinar Mas is Asia Pulp and Paper's parent company. Greenpeace accuses the group of clearing virgin forest and peat land and has pressured Nestle, Unilever and Burger King to sever palm oil contracts with the agribusiness giant.

Maitar says Greenpeace wants the government to weigh the costs to the environment against the economic benefits of the timber industry.

"For us Sinar Mas is the example," said Maitar. "Of course it is not only Sinar Mas. We know there are many other companies also doing the same thing. What we want to show to the government is that this is a type of iceberg."

Forest protection groups say the moratorium gives the government time to clarify regulations on forest development. At the same time, the government can determine guidelines for projects that can earn money from REDD, a global program that allows industrialized nations to pay developing ones to reduce their emissions from deforestation and land degradation.

Greenbury says the moratorium is a welcome breather in an industry that has moved very fast for 30 years.

"I think it is really good to have a break," she said. "From 80 [1980] until 2010, we have been under enormous criticism from all over the world. So let us just stop everything, tell us where did we do wrong and let us analyze it, see where we can improve according to national regulations and then come up with a new set of regulations or system."

Indonesia is the world's third-largest greenhouse gas emitter. The international community has lauded its commitment to reducing emissions from forestry, but enforcement is a major problem since the country's massive forests are difficult to police.

Sara Schonhardt
Jakarta - 22 October 2010

Retrieved from:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Student converts cooking waste oil to fuel vehicles

In January 2009, a fifth-year University of Rhode Island student, Mike Bailey along with chemistry professors Brett Lucht and Brenton DeBouf launched a pilot program where they collected cooking waste oil from the dining halls and made 20 gallons of biodiesel fuel per-week.

Bailey said the process was a one to one reaction where 20 gallons of cooking waste oil made 20 gallons of biodiesel fuel.

He said that although it's a registered fuel, he thinks it's not used as often as diesel because not as many people know about it.

Bailey said biodiesel fuel is generally less expensive than diesel fuel, is less toxic and allows for a cleaner environment. It's better for a vehicle's engine, and doesn't smell like diesel he added.

University trucks across campus were being fueled with Bailey's biodiesel for about a year until the university felt the pilot program wasn't feasible.

Bailey along with another student he was working with had difficulty converting the fuel in a timely fashion. He said it was difficult for them to balance their classwork with the work in the lab. The two tried to continue the program in the summer, but there wasn't enough cooking oil being used on campus because students were gone for the summer.

The URI President's Council on Sustainability, on which Bailey is an undergraduate representative, has suggested sending URI's cooking waste oil to a company where it will be converted and sent back to the university to fuel its trucks.

Bailey now works for Newport Biodiesel where he converts waste oil on a larger scale. The company collects cooking waste oil from surrounding restaurants and supplies biodiesel for all of Rhode Island and makes 2,300 gallons of biodiesel per day as compared to the 20 gallons URI was making per week. The company's biodiesel fuel is used for heating homes and transportation and as an employee Bailey said he gets free biodiesel fuel for his vehicle.

The North Providence, R.I. native said he will graduate in December and hopes to continue working for Newport Biodiesel in years to come.

"I tell people [to] eat more French fries so I can get more oil," Bailey said.

Noelle Myers
Issue date: 10/20/10

Retrived from: Ramcigar

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chemists improve synthesis of biodiesel

Two Brown chemists have developed a more efficient way to produce biodiesel from waste vegetable oil.

Using two catalysts common in organic chemistry, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Jason Sello and Postdoctoral Fellow Aaron Socha were able to synthesize biodiesel in a single reaction vessel, according to a University press release. Their findings were published in the Oct. 7 issue of the journal Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry.

Traditional methods of synthesizing biodiesel from waste oil require two reaction vessels. The method developed by Sello and Socha is six times faster than current methods, consumes less energy overall and is more environmentally friendly, according to the release.

"We wanted to do research that had implications for alternative energy, and biodiesel is certainly an attractive area," Sello said.

Sello said he and Socha began their research in the middle of 2009. Their research was accepted by the journal on July 19 and was published online "almost immediately," he said.

The biodiesel conversion requires one reaction to convert free fatty acids to biodiesel and another to convert triacylglycerols to biodiesel. The former is traditionally catalyzed by sulfuric acid, and the latter by potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. The reactions must be performed separately or else the acid and base yield soaps.

In developing the new procedure, the chemists considered catalysts that could complete the reaction in a single vessel and that were readily available, low in cost, low in toxicity and stable in the presence of water and air that might be in the waste oil after cooking. They opted to use bismuth triflate and scandium triflate, in part because bismuth was relatively cheap and his lab had experience with scandium, Sello said.

When the catalysts did not yield biodiesel under standard conditions, Socha suggested using a microwave reactor. Socha said there were "not many but (still) a few" papers that set some precedent for using a microwave reactor.

The combination of the two catalysts and the microwave reactor successfully yielded biodiesel at 150 degrees Celsius. After demonstrating a successful yield, the researchers sought to minimize the temperature, the amount of catalyst and the time needed for the reactions. Sello said they also tested "every possible component of waste vegetable oil" to verify that the reaction would still be successful.

The catalysts in the free fatty acid reaction can be recycled up to five times while still obtaining a 97 percent yield, according to the press release.

Two external grants supported the research. The National Science Foundation provided Sello with a grant for $170,000. Socha's fellowship, awarded by the American Competitiveness in Chemistry, is also funded by the NSF, with $200,000 split over two years. Sello said the University's $15,000 R.B. Salomon award also funded several projects, including this research.

"We often think about organic chemistry in terms of making drugs, but this is a very nice demonstration that organic chemistry has applications even in alternative energy," Sello said. "It really does highlight the power of organic chemistry."

Few scientists are researching biodiesel synthesis in an academic setting, Sello and Socha said, which is why they think nobody else had tried this approach before. Additionally, chemical engineers who look at biodiesel do not necessarily know all the current catalysts being used in organic chemistry, Sello added.

"In principle, anyone could have done this, but I think we were just in a unique position just given our perspective here," Sello said.

Sello said that the report in the journal was simply on "an academic scale" and that he and Socha have not yet started testing the chemistry on an industrial scale. Socha said that until the price of biodiesel becomes competitive with the price of oil, biodiesel cannot become "the next fuel."

Socha said that he is "not really jumping at the opportunity to commercialize this" yet because of the other advances needed before biodiesel becomes usable on a large scale. But he said he does plan to file a patent disclosure. 

Sahil Luthra
Contributing Writer
Published: Thursday, October 21, 2010 

Retrieved from: The Brown Daily Herald

Iowa politicians debate biodiesel

A recent political debate between two Iowa congressional candidates has shed light on their respective views of the biodiesel tax credit. During the Oct. 15 event, which was broadcast on Iowa Public Television, incumbent third district Congressman Leonard Boswell (D-Des Moines) spoke out in support of the tax credit while challenger Brad Zaun (R-Urbandale), a member of the state senate, said he would not support reinstatement of the credit.

According to video and a transcript of the debate posted to Iowa Public Television’s website, Zaun said that while he thinks the biodiesel industry needs to grow, he does not support reinstatement of the expired tax credit. In response, Boswell argued that Zaun has not connected success in the biofuels industry with a decreased dependence on foreign oil. “[Biodiesel] is a stand-up business that we’ve got to continue to support and be sure we can make it solid, and we definitely should be supporting those biodiesel plants that are sitting out there idle. We can do better,” Boswell said.

Zaun responded to Boswell’s remarks by saying he respectfully disagreed. “When we as tax payers invest $100,000 to $600,000 for each new job created, that’s excessive,” he continued. “And, I want that industry to survive, and I want it to flourish.” However, during the debate Zaun offered no insight into possible alternative actions that could be taken in order to support biodiesel production in Iowa.

It is currently unclear how Zaun reached his $100,000 to $600,000 estimate of taxpayer support for each biodiesel job created. Biodiesel Magazine was unable to reach him for clarification. The Iowa Biodiesel Board has also been unable to verify where Zaun’s estimates have been sourced. According to information posted to the IBB’s website, Iowa’s biodiesel industry supported 2,900 permanent jobs and contributed approximately $470 million to the state’s GDP in 2009.

“We are disappointed and concerned to hear that Brad Zaun does not support the federal tax incentive for biodiesel,” said IBB Executive Director Randy Olson. “The incentive expired last year, and the impact on Iowa’s industry has been devastating. Nearly half of the state’s 15 biodiesel plants have closed their doors or gone idle, and thousands of Iowans have lost jobs. Iowa was once the leading biodiesel-producing state, but our position as a national and worldwide leader in renewable fuels is in jeopardy. Our sincere hope would be that anyone who represents Iowa in the U.S. Congress would continue to fight for the biodiesel industry, and energy independence. Biodiesel is a bright spot in our state’s economy, supporting green jobs and generating economic activity on the farm and beyond. It’s also a vital component of our national energy security.”

The IBB has requested a meeting with Zaun’s office to discuss the impact of biodiesel in Iowa, and is hoping to shed some light on how vital the industry is to not only Iowa but the nation as a whole, said Olson. That meeting is currently scheduled for Oct. 25.

By Erin Voegele
Posted Oct. 20, 2010

Retrived from: Biodiesel Magazine

South African entrepreneurs aiming to invest in Angola’s Huila province

South African agro-industry entrepreneurs aim to invest in the production of animal fodder to supply sheep producers in Huila province, the spokesman of a South African business delegation stated in the city of Lubango.

Cited by the Angolan press, Ulisses Amaro said the South African entrepreneurs’ visit to Angola was meant to ascertain local potentials and establish a partnership between Angola’s Agromundo company and South Africa’s NWK.

The South African company specialises in bird breeding, especially chickens, and is available to apply millions of dollars to set up industries to supply the market in Huila province, Amaro said.

This area of activity implies major broad-reaching investment in agriculture, especially in the production of maize and soy in sufficient quantities to supply poultry breeders. (macauhub)

Lubango, Angola, 20 Oct
Retrieved from: MacauHub

Trends, Hurdles, and Potentials of Biofuel

Algae based biodiesel might be the futu
Trends, Hurdles, and Potentials of Biofuel - Recent development in the biofuel market. Few people interested in green technology have missed the large fuss regarding algae biodiesel production from microalgae considered by many the only alternative with potential of replacing the entire world consumption of fossil fuels by its own. It is still quite expensive but bioengineering and more efficient production swiftly reduces the gap. A researcher and friend of mine calculated that 76x76 km area of algae production would cover the entire fuel consumption needed for Sweden.

Early 2008 Solazyme, which uses algae fermentation to make oil from sugar crops, got Chevron as investor and recently they was contracted by the Us Navy for producing 1500 Gallons of Jet Fuel and another 150000 Gallons of biodiesel for the navy ships. Us is considering the dependence of foreign fuel deliveries as a national security and set the navy target to 50% biofuels in 2020.

The Energy company St1 recently made an interesting move in Sweden when buying up gas stations, now roughly 200 stations, providing self made bioethanol produced from rest products of the food production industry.

Algae based biodiesel might be the future

The biodiesel industry are also foreseeing a brighter future now when the amount of biodiesel now blended into normal diesel is now up at 5%. US ethanol blending limit is also considered to be raised from 10% to up to 15% in the near future that will boost the US Corn based bio ethanol and in Brazil they had to lower their ethanol-gas blend to 20% from 25% for some time because they could not produce enough of their sugar cane based bioethanol.

Early 2010 Solena Group that uses a 5000 degree plasma torch to produce synthetic biogas from algae biomass teamed up with Brittish airways to fuel aircrafts by 2014 and also Russia is moving forward by starting up a cellulose based biobuthanol plant. Read here

Last prognosis from Lux Research says that that the biofuel production will increase from todays 3% of total production by 7.8% yearly until 2015 and that the most rapid areas will be in Jet-Fuels, biodiesel and algae oil.

Biofuel hurdles

Biofuels have a big hurdle which is the infrastructure and compatibility in the machines that use them. Changing this is something that takes a long time, requires lots of politics and requires large daring investments in machines powered by fuels that not certainly will be the preferred ones. Once a standard has been established the competitive technology needs to be much better in order to break through. This might be ok with electric cars since you can charge them at home but for fuel cells for example it might be difficult unless we have our own hydrogen producing electrolyzers at home.

As many other, BP saw this hurdle earlier and their tactics together with DuPont is to make biobutanol and blend normal gasoline with up to 15% of it to be used in all the cars and fuel stations that already exist.

In Sweden we saw a big boost for biogas earlier and many car makers raced to launch their flexifuel gas-diesel and gas-gasoline hybrids to match the anticipated improvement of biogas infrastructure. This however halted somewhat and the preferred choice became ethanol leaving many frustrated new biogas car owners.

First generation biofuel

Sugar cane field in brazil for
bioethanol production
First generation is a composition of all the fuels produced by feedstock from the normal food chain. Fermentation of sugar rich biomass like sugar cane in Brasil to Corn in US to produce bioethanol or vegetable oil from sunflowers to produce biodiesel in Europe. The processes are standard and the crops are easy to grow but the downsides are many including increased food prices, deforestation and sometimes a questionable life cycle green house gas savings compared too fossil fuels.

This generation has a huge advantage though because it it is first. It is already established with rapidly increasing volumes and reduced cost and it is easy to set up production of in many countries that needs an extra economy boost. Despite the downsides I believe that the following generations will have a steep uphill run compared to this because of the mentioned advantages unless there are political incentives leveling the rules. Green business will never fly just because it is green because it has to give the consumer an advantage of lower price or enabling some other applications as any other product.

Below is a trend chart of the larger movements in the biodiesel and bioethanol industry. Its obvious that Brasil is quite aggressive in this area.

Global biofuel production distribution
Biogas is also part of first generation fuels and is normally defined as a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas production has a big benefit that it can use many types of waste and create a use for all our landfills. It can also be produced very locally and since the anaerobic process is very simple it can also be used in very small production sites like farms enabling local energy and fuel production which is very nice.

Biogas can also be created from algae biomass which sometimes is referred to green gas and has the additional advantage of the rapid growth of algae biomass that is typically 20-100 times faster than other land based crops. Seen from a greenhouse gas life cycle perspective biogas is first in class.

Biogas production video

Second generation biofuel

Poplar for lignocellulosic
biofuel production
Second generation biofuel is the common name for biofuel production using lignocellulosic crops like wood as an example where you split the biomass typically by enzymes into cellulose (42%), hemicellulose (21%) and lignin and assuming full conversion to sugar of the both cellulose variants to sugar it can be used to create 30% ethanol by common fermentation as in making beer. The rest product lignin is now used mostly burned up to provide heat but here there are many interesting areas being evolved like creating lignin based plastics.

The second generation has large advantages over Sugar & Starch crops based production since it it is much more Green house gas efficient (90% saving compared to fossil fuels) and used the leftovers in food production and not the food itself.

Lignocellolosic ethanol production video

Third generation biofuel

During the oil crisis in the 1970s there was huge fundings of research in the field of algae based biofuels sponsored by the Carter administration, however when Clinton entered the scene the oil price was lower and funding stopped. There was however a very large knowledge base built up that was the start of many of the companies that we see today, many with investment from the large oil companies.

Those algae based biofuels now goes under the term third generation biofuel. It has the benefits of producing biomass very fast, 20-100 times faster than land based crops and there is lots of space to grow them. The production either uses algae with high concentration of oil to be converted to biodiesel, or using the upside of the fastest growing algae variants to create large biomass for gas production.

Third generation algae based biofuel
The downsides are mostly connected to its immaturity. For example producing the oil based diesel is still 3 times higher than biodiesel based on palm oil but in time this will probably be solved. The cost of producing biodiesel from algae is currently 52.3 Euro per gigajoule of energy, compared with 36 Euro for rapeseed and only 15.8 Euro for Oil. Also algae for gas production has challenges with predators and harvesting difficulties, however this seem to be an easier challenge and may quickly be solved with increased production.

The algae growth can be done in the open sea, closed ponds or in dedicated bioreactors like very long transparent tubes.

Video showing an algae bioreactor:

Fourth generation?

Well there are many speculations what the fourth generation may be but one of the challenges of the current solutions is that all of them requires many steps to reach the final fuel and maybe this is what will be solved in the future, likely by more advanced genetics and bioengineering.

In September the Cambridge based startup Joule said that they had engineered a blue-green algae that could convert Carbon dioxides in glass bioreactors with only sunlight as source. Well if this is sci-fi or not is yet to be seen but the thought is pleasant. For anyone that has some time left you can read the patent here and here is an article from cnet that discusses this in more detail.

Retrieved from: The Green Technology

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

INDONESIA: fish products export in Q12010 up by 3.7 percent

Export of fishery products in Q1 of 2010 went up by 3.26 thousand tons or 3.7 percent.

The increase is primarily due to increased export of fresh fish, catch as well as cultivated fish, by 2.45 thousand tons.

This was stated by the secretary general at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, M Syamsul Maarif, here Thursday (8/7).

He added that total value of fish export in Q! amounted to USD 621.8 million or up by 7.09 percent against that of Q1 2009.

In total, export went up but there were products that went down, such as unfrozen and frozen shrimps, canned shrimps, fresh tuna, frozen cakalang tuna, frog legs, snails.

But the lower export of some products could be compensated for by those of others, such as canned tuna. Indonesia’s major fish products export is dominated by Japan, Ghana, Chile, New Zealand.

Import of fishery products also went up slightly. But import of shrimp feed went down, he added. (T.Bhr/dry/ton)

Jakarta 9/7/2010 (Kominfo-Newsroom) 

Retrieved from: Bipnewsroom

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Dual Benefits of Algae Farming

For the average citizen, algae are often viewed as a problematic growth within backyard swimming pools and local rivers and ponds. On the other hand, algae are now a hot topic among environmentalists as agroindustrial developments see them being used to sequester carbon dioxide and produce biofuels. 

Algae can serve as a feedstock for biodiesel and ethanol. Since their basic requirements for growth include carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and sunlight, using algae to produce biofuels can also help reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the same time as reducing the need for feedstocks that would otherwise be used for human consumption.

Indeed, some argue that algae could be perhaps the ultimate source of plant-based oil for biodiesel and ethanol, since it can flourish in otherwise hostile growing environments, including non-arable land, or in dirty water.

When algae flourishes, it is unmatched by any terrestrial feedstock known. Algae can double in mass several times daily. For example, with respect to estimating the number of US gallons of biodiesel produced from a variety of feedstock materials, algae is considered to be perhaps the highest in efficiency when compared to a variety of other crops. Algae will produce 1,800 to 15,000 gallons of biodiesel per acre (gpa): a huge amount compared to other popular biofuel feedstocks such as palm oil (508 gpa), rapeseed (102 gpa) and soy (59.2 to 98.6 gpa).

Greatest yield per acre

The US Department of Energy estimates that algae fuel can yield up to 30 times more energy per acre than land crops such as soybean, and a growing consensus suggests that biodiesel produced from algae is the only feasible solution today for replacement in full of petro-diesel products.

No other feedstock has the oil yield sufficient in volume to produce such large volumes of oil. To illustrate this point, in order to produce sufficient oil for biodiesel from crops such as soy or palm, all growing regions for all of today’s crops would have to produce simply soy (for example) to yield sufficient biodiesel for full replacement. Given the high oil yield from algae, some 10 million acres would however be sufficient – as land, pond, or ocean space – to grow enough algae to replace the total petro- diesel fuel in the United States today. This is about 1% of the total amount of acreage used in the United States today for grazing and farming; that being about 1% of one billion acres.

In the end, one could conclude that the vastly superior biodiesel feedstock material for the large scale replacement of petro-diesel is clearly algae. However, in order to produce large scale quantities of algae for such massive biodiesel projects, it is essential to have sustainable high oil producing strains of algae, on a large scale basis; followed by the ability to adequately extract the oil from algae on such a scale.

To follow, of course, there would need to be capabilities to convert algae oil into biodiesel. The first two steps are essentially specific to algae; and the final step is typical of all biodiesel processes related to all plant based oils.

Finally, the challenges of greatest need now are to define and refine the most viable strains of algae strains and develop/maintain the most effective and optimal cultivation methods.

Capturing carbon

But what other benefits do algae bring? Well, as mentioned at the start of this piece, algae can also be used to sequester or capture carbon dioxide at the same time as it is grown as a biofuel feedstock.

When a full loop or cycle is considered, algae require carbon dioxide to grow and thereby extract this greenhouse gas from the atmosphere as they grow. Algae can then be used in the manufacture of biodiesel and/or a feedstock for fermentation as ethanol. The production of biofuels leads to the creation of more carbon dioxide, which can then be pumped back into the cycle to boost algae growth still further. Effectively, this process kills two birds with one stone: curbing carbon dioxide emissions and creating more sustainable biofuels.

As a rule of thumb, approximately one ton of carbon dioxide would be removed (from otherwise airborne emissions) via the growth of two tons of algae. This offers us an extraordinary opportunity to reduce emissions, capture carbon dioxide, and foster new renewable energy technologies to replace diesel and jet fuels in the future.

Editor’s note: This is an edited version of an article kindly provided by Sam A. Rushing of Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd. Sam is a chemist with 30 years in the carbon dioxide industry, in both merchant and consultant roles. If you wish to contact Sam to find out more about his company’s work, send an e-mail to or visit the Advanced Cryogenics website.

Retrieved from: Eco Periodicals

Algal Biotechnology Leader Solazyme Hired Former BP CEO

San Fransisco-based Solazyme named former CEO of BP North America Gas and Power Cameron Byers as Senior Vice President and General Manager of fuels and chemicals. Cameron’s 25 years experience at BP includes running the North American natural gas division and managing the company’s commercial oil refining and trading group.

While serving as CEO of this division, Cameron was named in a 2006 federal lawsuit charging BP with manipulating propane prices pushing up heating costs for millions of American households in the winter of 2004. He brings this record, along with his experience in petroleum-based energy to the industry leading producer of renewable oil and bioproducts from microalgae.

“Cameron’s vast experience in the energy industry, specializing in building and operating downstream businesses, will be instrumental in Solazyme’s commercialization of fuels and chemicals,” said Solazyme CEO Jonathan Wolfson.

Retrieved from: Eco Periodicals

About Palm Oil

Palm oil from Ghana with
its natural dark colour visible
Palm oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oil are edible plant oils derived from the fruits of palm trees. Palm oil is extracted from the pulp of thefruit of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis; palm kernel oil is derived from the kernel (seed) of the oil palm and coconut oil is derived from the kernel of the coconut (Cocos nucifera). Palm oil is naturally reddish in color because it contains a high amount of beta-carotene.

Palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil are three of the few highly saturated vegetable fats. Palm oil is semi-solid at room temperatures. Palm oil contains several saturated and unsaturated fats in the forms of glyceryl laurate (0.1%, saturated), myristate (1%, saturated), palmitate(44%, saturated), stearate (5%, saturated), oleate (39%, monounsaturated), linoleate (10%, polyunsaturated), and linolenate (0.3%, polyunsaturated). Palm kernel oil and coconut oil are more highly saturated than palm oil. Like all vegetable oils, palm oil does not containcholesterol (found in unrefined animal fats), although saturated fat intake increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol.

Palm oil is a common cooking ingredient in the tropical belt of Africa, Southeast Asia and parts of Brazil. Its increasing use in the commercial food industry in other parts of the world is buoyed by its lower cost and the high oxidative stability (saturation) of the refined product when used for frying.


Palm oil block showing the lighter
that results from boiling
Palm oil (from the African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis) has long been recognized in West African countries, and is widely used as a cooking oil. European merchants trading with West Africa occasionally purchased palm oil for use in Europe, but since the oil was of a lower quality than olive oil, palm oil remained rare outside West Africa. In the Asante Confederacy, state-owned slaves built large plantations of oil palmtrees, while in the neighbouring Kingdom of Dahomey, King Ghezo passed a law in 1856 forbidding his subjects from cutting down oil palms.

Palm oil became a highly sought-after commodity by British traders, for use as an industrial lubricant for machinery during Britain's Industrial Revolution. Palm oil formed the basis of soap products, such as Lever Brothers' (now Unilever) "Sunlight Soap", and the AmericanPalmolive brand. By c. 1870, palm oil constituted the primary export of some West African countries such as Ghana and Nigeria, although this was overtaken by cocoa in the 1880s.


Oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis)
In the 1960s, research and development (R&D) in oil palm breeding began to expand after Malaysia's Department of Agriculture established an exchange program with West African economies and four private plantations formed the Oil Palm Genetics Laboratory. The government also established Kolej Serdang, which became the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia(UPM) in the 1970s to train agricultural and agro-industrial engineers and agro-business graduates to conduct research in the field.

In 1979, following strong lobbying from oil palm planters and support from the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and UPM, the government set up the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (Porim).[13] B.C. Sekhar was instrumental in helping Porim recruit and train scientists to undertake R&D in oil palm tree breeding, palm oil nutrition and potential oleochemical use. Sekhar, as founder and chairman, pushed Porim to be a public-and-private-coordinated institution. As a result, Porim (renamed Malaysian Palm Oil Board in 2000) became Malaysia's top research entity commercializing 20% of its innovations, compared to 5% among local universities.[citation needed] While MPOB has gained international prominence, its relevance is dependent on churning out breakthrough findings in the dynamic oil crop genetics, dietary fat nutrition and process engineering landscapes.


Many processed foods contain palm oil as an ingredient.

Palm oil is composed of fatty acids, esterified with glycerol just like any ordinary fat. It is high in saturated fatty acids. Palm oil gives its name to the 16-carbon saturated fatty acidpalmitic acid. Monounsaturated oleic acid is also a constituent of palm oil. Unrefined palm oil is a large natural source of tocotrienol, part of the vitamin E family.

The approximate concentration of fatty acids (FAs) in palm oil is as follows:

Red palm oil

Red palm oil gets its name from its characteristic dark red color, which comes from carotenes such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene—the same nutrients that give tomatoes, carrots and other fruits and vegetables their rich colors.

Red palm oil contains at least 10 other carotenes, along with tocopherols and tocotrienols (members of the vitamin E family), CoQ10, phytosterols, and glycolipids. In a 2007 animal study, South African scientists found consumption of red palm oil significantly decreased p38-MAPK phosphorylation in rat hearts subjected to a high-cholesterol diet.

Since the mid-1990s, red palm oil has been cold-pressed and bottled for use as cooking oil, and blended into mayonnaise and salad oil. Red palm oil antioxidants like tocotrienols and carotenes are also fortified into foods for specific health use and anti-aging cosmetics.

In a 2004 joint-study between Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and Malaysian Palm Oil Board, the scientists found cookies, being higher in fat content than bread, are a better vehicle for red palm oil phytonutrients.

In a 2009 study, scientists in Spain tested the acrolein emission rates from the deep frying of potatoes in red palm, olive and polyunsaturated oils. They found higher acrolein emission rates from the polyunsaturated oils. The scientists characterized red palm oil as "mono-unsaturated". It gives an attractive colour to french fries.

Refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil

Palm oil products are made using milling and refining processes: first using fractionation, with crystallization and separation processes to obtain solid (stearin), and liquid (olein) fractions. Then melting and degumming removes impurities. Then the oil is filtered and bleached. Next, physical refining removes smells and coloration, to produce refined bleached deodorized palm oil, or RBDPO, and free sheer fatty acids, which are used as an important raw material in the manufacture of soaps, washing powder and other hygiene and personal care products. RBDPO is the basic oil product sold on the world's commodity markets, although many companies fractionate it further into palm olein, for cooking oil or other products.

Splitting of oils and fats by hydrolysis, or under basic conditions saponification, yields fatty acids, with glycerin (glycerol) as a byproduct. The split-off fatty acids are a mixture ranging from C4 to C18, depending on the type of oil/fat.


Derivatives of palmitic acid were used in combination with naphtha during World War II to produce napalm aluminum naphthenate and aluminum palmitate).

Many processed foods contain palm oil as an ingredient.


Palm oil, like other vegetable oils, can be used to create biodiesel, as either a simply processed palm oil mixed with petrodiesel, or processed through transesterification to create a palm oil methyl ester blend, which meets the international EN 14214 specification. Glycerin is a byproduct of transesterification. The actual process used to produce biodiesel around the world varies between countries and the requirements of different markets. Next-generation biofuel production processes are also being tested in relatively small trial quantities.
The IEA predicts that biofuels usage in Asian countries will remain modest. But as a major producer of palm oil, the Malaysian government is encouraging the production of biofuel feedstock and the building of palm oil biodiesel plants. Domestically, Malaysia is preparing to change from diesel to bio-fuels by 2008, including drafting legislation that will make the switch mandatory.

From 2007, all diesel sold in Malaysia must contain 5% palm oil. Malaysia is emerging as one of the leading biofuel producers, with 91 palm oil plants approved and a handful now in operation.

On 16 December 2007, Malaysia opened its first biodiesel plant in the state of Pahang, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tonnes, and which also produces by-products in the form of 4,000 tonnes of palm fatty acid distillate and 12,000 tonnes of pharmaceutical grade glycerine. Neste Oil of Finland plans to produce 800,000 tonnes of biodiesel per year from Malaysian palm oil in a new Singapore refinery from 2010, which will make it the largest biofuel plant in the world, and 170,000 tpa from its first second-generation plant in Finland from 2007-8, which can refine fuel from a variety of sources. Neste and the Finnish government are using this paraffinic fuel in some public buses in the Helsinki area as a small scale pilot.

First generation biodiesel production from palm oil is in demand globally. Palm oil is also a primary substitute for rapeseed oil in Europe, which too is experiencing new demand for biodiesel purposes. Palm oil producers are investing heavily in the refineries needed for biodiesel. In Malaysia companies have been merging, buying others out and forming alliances to obtain the economies of scale needed to handle the high costs caused by increased feedstock prices. New refineries are being built across Asia and Europe.

As the food vs. fuel debate mounts, research is turning to biodiesel production from waste. In Malaysia, an estimated 50,000 tonnes of used frying oils, both vegetable oils and animal fats, are disposed of yearly without treatment as wastes. In a 2006 study researchers found used frying oil (mainly palm olein), after pre-treatment with silica gel, is a suitable feedstock for conversion to methyl esters by catalytic reaction using sodium hydroxide. The methyl esters produced have fuel properties comparable to those of petroleum diesel, and can be used in unmodified diesel engines.

A 2009 study by scientists at Malaysian Science University concluded that palm oil, compared to other vegetable oils, is a healthy source of edible oil and at the same time, available in quantities that can satisfy global demand for biodiesel. Oil palm planting and palm oil consumption circumvents the food vs. fuel debate because it has the capacity to fulfill both demands simultaneously. By 2050, a British scientist estimates global demand for edible oils will probably be around 240 million tonnes, nearly twice 2008 consumption. Most of the additional oil may be palm oil, which has the lowest production cost of the major oils, but soybean oil production will probably also increase. An additional 12,000,000 hectares (46,000 sq mi) of oil palms may be required, if average yields continue to rise as in the past. This need not be at the expense of forest; oil palm planted on anthropogenic grassland could supply all the oil required for edible purposes in 2050.


According to Hamburg-based Oil World trade journal, in 2008, global production of oils and fats stood at 160 million tonnes. Palm oil and palm kernel oil were jointly the largest contributor, accounting for 48 million tonnes or 30% of the total output. Soybean oil came in second with 37 million tonnes (23%). About 38% of the oils and fats produced in the world were shipped across oceans. Of the 60.3 million tonnes of oils and fats exported around the world, palm oil and palm kernel oil make up close to 60%; Malaysia, with 45% of the market share, dominates the palm oil trade.

Regional production


Palm oil output in 2006
As of 2009, Indonesia was the largest producer of palm oil, surpassing Malaysia in 2006, producing more than 20.9 million tonnes. The Indonesian aspires to become the world's top producer of palm oil. FAO data show production increased by over 400% between 1994–2004, to over 8.66 million metric tonnes.
In addition to servicing traditional markets, Indonesia is looking to put more effort into producing biodiesel. Major local and global companies are building mills and refineries, including PT. Astra Agro Lestari terbuka (150,000 tpa biodiesel refinery), PT. Bakrie Group (a biodiesel factory and new plantations), Surya Dumai Group (biodiesel refinery). Cargill (sometimes operating through CTP Holdings of Singapore, is building new refineries and mills in Malaysia and Indonesia, expanding its Rotterdam refinery to handle 300,000 tpa of palm oil, acquiring plantations in Sumatra, Kalimantan, the Indonesian peninsula and Papua New Guinea). Robert Kuok's Wilmar International Limited has plantations and 25 refineries across Indonesia, to supply feedstock to new biodiesel refineries in Singapore, Riau, Indonesia and Rotterdam.


In 2008, Malaysia produced 17.7 million tonnes of palm oil on 4,500,000 hectares (17,400 sq mi) of land, and was the second largest producer of palm oil, employing more than 570,000 people. Malaysia is the world's second largest exporter of palm oil. About 60% of palm oil exports from Malaysia are shipped to China, the European Union, Pakistan, United States and India. They are mostly made into cooking oil, margarine, specialty fats and oleochemicals.

In December 2006, the Malaysian government initiated merger of Sime Darby Berhad, Golden Hope Plantations Berhad and Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad to create the world’s largest listed oil palm plantation player. In a landmark deal valued at RM31 billion, the merger involved the businesses of eight listed companies controlled by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). A special purpose vehicle, Synergy Drive Sdn Bhd, offered to acquire all the businesses including assets and liabilities of the eight listed companies. With 543,000 hectares of plantation in a landbank, the merger resulted in an oil palm plantation entity that could produce 2.5 million tonnes of palm oil or 5% of global production in 2006. A year later, the merger completed and the entity was renamed Sime Darby Berhad.


In the 1960s, about 18,000 hectares (69 sq mi) were planted with palm. Colombia has now become the largest palm oil producer in the Americas, and 35% of its product is exported as biofuel. In 2006, the Colombian plantation owners' association, Fedepalma, reported that oil palm cultivation was expanding to 1,000,000 hectares (3,900 sq mi). This expansion is being funded, in part, by the United States Agency for International Development to resettle disarmed paramilitary members on arable land, and by the Colombian government, which proposes to expand land use for exportable cash crops to 7,000,000 hectares (27,000 sq mi) by 2020, including oil palms. Fedepalma states that its members are following sustainable guidelines,
Some Afro-Colombians claim that some of these new plantations have been expropriated from them after they had been driven away through poverty and civil war, while armed guards intimidate the remaining people to further depopulate the land, while coca production and trafficking follows in their wake.

Other producers


Palm is native to the wetlands of western Africa, and south Benin already hosts many palm plantations. Its 'Agricultural Revival Programme' has identified many thousands of hectares of land as suitable for new oil palm export plantations. In spite of the economic benefits, Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), such as Nature Tropicale, claim biofuels will compete with domestic food production in some existing prime agricultural sites. Other areas comprise peat land, whose drainage would have a deleterious environmental impact. They are also concerned genetically modified plants will be introduced for the first time into the region, jeopardizing the current premium paid for their non-GM crops.


Kenya's domestic production of edible oils covers about a third of its annual demand, estimated at around 380,000 metric tonnes. The rest is imported at a cost of around US$140 million a year, making edible oil the country's second most important import after petroleum. Since 1993 a new hybrid variety of cold-tolerant, high-yielding oil palm has been promoted by theFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in western Kenya. As well as alleviating the country's deficit of edible oils while providing an important cash crop, it is claimed to have environmental benefits in the region, because it does not compete against food crops or native vegetation and it provides stabilisation for the soil.


Ghana has a lot of palm nuts vegetation, which can become an important contributor to the agriculture of the Black Star region. Although Ghana has multiple palm species, ranging from local palm nuts to other species locally called agric, it is only marketed locally and to neighboring countries.



Palm oil producers have been accused of various human-rights violations, from low pay and poor working conditions to theft of land and murder. However, some social initiatives use palm oil profits to finance poverty alleviation strategies. Examples include the financing of Magbenteh hospital in Makeni, Sierra Leone through profits made from palm oil grown by small local farmers, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance's Food Security Program, which draws on a women-run cooperative to grow palm oil, the profits of which are reinvested in food security, or the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation's hybrid oil palm project in Western Kenya, which improves incomes and diets of local populations.


Palm oil production has been documented as a cause of substantial and often irreversible damage to the natural environment. Its impacts include: deforestation, habitat loss ofcritically endangered species such as the Orangutan, and a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

The pollution is exacerbated because many rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia lie atop peat bogs that store great quantities of carbon that are released when the forests are cut down and the bogs drained to make way for plantations.

Environmental groups such as Greenpeace claim that the deforestation caused by making way for oil palm plantations is far more damaging for the climate than the benefits gained by switching to biofuel.

Many of the major companies in the vegetable oil economy participate in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, which is trying to address this problem. In 2008 Unilever, a member of the group, committed to use only palm oil which is certified as sustainable, by ensuring that the large companies and smallholders that supply it convert to sustainable production by 2015.

Meanwhile, much of the recent investment in new palm plantations for biofuel has been part-funded through carbon credit projects through the Clean Development Mechanism; however the reputational risk associated with unsustainable palm plantations in Indonesia has now made many funds wary of investing there.


Although palm oil is applied to wounds for its supposed antimicrobial effects, research does not confirm its effectiveness.


Blood lipid and cholesterol effects

The United States' Center for Science in the Public Interest said palm oil, which is high in saturated and low in polyunsaturated fat, promotes heart disease. The CSPI report cited research that goes back to 1970 and metastudies. CSPI also said that The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, World Health Organization (WHO), and other health authorities have urged reduced consumption of palm oil. WHO states that there is convincing evidence that palmitic acid consumption contributes to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. 2005 research in Costa Rica suggests consumption of non-hydrogenated unsaturated oils over palm oil. In 1993, Malaysia's Institute for Medical Research's head of Cardiovascular Disease Unit Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Centre Dr Tony Ng Kock Wai showed that the cholesterol impact of saturated fats is affected by its amount at the sn-2 position. Despite the high palmitic acid content (41%) of palm oil, only 13-14% is present at the sn-2 position.

In an email response to WHO's 2002 draft report, Dr. David Kritchevsky of the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia denied that there were, at that time, any data showing palm oil consumption causing atherosclerosis.

However, a 2006 study supported by the National Institutes of Health and the USDA Agricultural Research Service concluded that palm oil is not a safe substitute for partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats) in the food industry, because palm oil results in adverse changes in the blood concentrations of LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B just as trans fat does.

Comparison with animal saturated fat

Not all saturated fats are equally cholesterolemic. Studies have indicated that consumption of palm olein which is more unsaturated) reduces blood cholesterol when compared to sources of saturated fats like coconut oil, dairy and animal fats.

According to an unreferenced statement in a review article prepared by an employee of a palm nutraceutical company, palm oil, although high in saturated fats, is as cholesterol neutral as olive oil because the high concentrate of oleic fatty acid at sn-2 position expresses monosaturates character.

In 1996, Dr Becker of University of Massachusetts stressed that saturated fats in the sn–1 and -3 position of triacylglycerols exhibit different metabolic patterns due to their low absorptivity. Dietary fats containing saturated fats primarily in sn–1 and -3 positions (e.g., cocoa butter, coconut oil, and palm oil) have very different biological consequences than those fats in which the saturated fats are primarily in the sn–2 position (e.g., milk fat and lard). Differences in stereospecific fatty acid location should be an important consideration in the design and interpretation of lipid nutrition studies and in the production of specialty food products.

In a 2004 review, Dr German and Dr Dillard, respectively of the University of California, Davis and Nestle Research Center in Switzerland, concluded that research on how specific saturated fats contribute to coronary artery disease and on the role each specific saturated fatty acid plays in other health outcomes is not sufficient to make global recommendations for all persons to remove saturated fats from their diet because no randomized clinical trials of low-fat diets or low-saturated fat diets of sufficient duration have been carried out.

There is a lack of knowledge of how low saturated fat intake can be without the risk of deleterious health outcomes. The influence of varying saturated fatty acid intakes against a background of different individual lifestyles and genetic backgrounds should be the focus in future studies.

  1. ^ Reeves, James B.; Weihrauch, John L.; Consumer and Food Economics Institute (1979). Composition of foods: fats and oils. Agriculture handbook 8-4. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration. p. 4. OCLC 5301713.
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  32. ^ Neste To Build US$814 Mln Singapore Biofuel Plant Reuters 3 December 2007
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  35. ^ a b The palm-oil–biodiesel nexus Grain 2007
  36. ^ Rocovery & Conversion of palm olein-derived used frying oil to methyl esters for biodiesel LOH SOH KHEANG; CHOO YUEN MAY; CHENG SIT FOON and MA AH NGAN, Journal of Oil Palm Research, Vol 18, June 2006, pg 247-252
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  38. ^ a b Malaysian Palm Oil Industry Performance 2008 Global Oils & Fats Business Magazine VOL.6 ISSUE 1 (Jan-March), 2009.
  39. ^ Indonesia: Palm Oil Production Prospects Continue to Grow December 31, 2007, USDA-FAS, Office of Global Analysis
  40. ^ World Growth Palm Oil Green Development Campaign: "Palm Oil — The Sustainable Oil A Report by World Growth" September 2009. Oil
  42. ^ Synergy renamed Sime Darby The Star, 29 November 2007
  43. ^ Fedepalma Annual Communication of Progress Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, 2006
  44. ^ Bacon, David. "Blood on the Palms: Afro-Colombians fight new plantations". See also "Unfulfilled Promises and Persistent Obstacles to the Realization of the Rights of Afro-Colombians," [1] A Report on the Development of Ley 70 of 1993 by the Repoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Jul 2007.
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