Saturday, June 18, 2011

School Projects in Food Sciences

School Projects in Food Sciences - Projects in Food Sciences can be fun for all ages. There are a lot of great ideas related to educational can be found in your kitchen. Food sciences and chemistry in the kitchen can be a big science projects. There are many ideas that can possibly be written in an article, so be sure to see the references and resources for more information.

Elemetary School Projects in Food Sciences

Ideas in Food Sciences for elementary students include to understand the dry food research. Why they can  dry? How to make them dry? How long does drying take? Measure of cutting the fruit before and after drying for the amount of moisture that is lost.

Crystal growing is a nice project of candy. Make identical to the saturated sugar solutions, and to test if the crystals grow faster when planted or when the sugar crystals are added to the string or left to their own different crysttalization process.Will crystallization temperature affects the shape of size of crystal ?

Make your own butter. How changes in finished product when you add an acidification agent, such as sour cream or yogurt? What makes the colors of butter different?

Testing the amount of iron in breakfast cereals with a magnet. Crush grains and suspended in water. Drop of a magnet bar in cereals. The iron would be able to stick to the magnet as a gray and filmy substances. Check cereals adverts that claim to be rich in iron actually contain more iron.

Middle School Projects in Food Sciences

How many times has food spoiled in the refrigerator or in your lunch box? Test that the packaging to keep food fresh longer the most, and save money for your family.

Look for hidden food additives. How foods are most often used as "filler" and sweeteners? You might be surprised to find  wheat  in your hot dogs or soybeans in ice cream.

Research on cookies. What kind of pan to help them cook evenly, without burning more? Try the light and dark cookie tins, pots and foils covered with non-stick cookware.

Flour Gluten is a substance that traps the gas and allow the bread to rise. Examine a variety of flour to see what is the gluten. How to apply for different types of gluten-free level, when the yeast rolls or a pie crust?

High School Projects in Food Sciences

High school students can explore things a little deeper. Start with the bread. How do you keep the bread the freshest the longest? Investigate this type of storage works best and what kind of bread stays fresh the longest. What can you add to the recipe to keep it fresh longer?

What happens when you add the milk to gravy or sauce and it curdles ? What is the ingredient caused by coagulation of milk, and how can it be prevented? Learning the structure of milk proteins and how to avoid lactic acid accumulates.

Investigate the science of tempering chocolate. What exactly is the hardening and why is it necessary? What is the best method of curing to ensure the best product? White chocolate must be tempered, and the temperature is the same as the black or chocolate milk?

Yet another lovely idea. It's the thickness of the steak and cut meat affects the amount of heat and time can be cooked to a certain extent "doneness". Cook a steak thin and the temperature of the fluid. Double the thickness of the meat to cook double or quadruple the time? Find out correlation between  the thickness and the time.

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