on this trip to seattle, i happened to be walking distance from capitol hill & spent pretty much every minute of my free time walking up and down the streets peeking into storefronts, ooo-ing & ahhh-ing over all the treasures that lied within.
one of the gems i came across was scout apparel. the store has a great vibe...super mellow and simply decorated with hints of rustic charm. the clothes are displayed so that each piece warrents attention...grouped together and evenly spaced on the rack rather than crammed in and lost.
the stylish & sweet shop owner, helen, recently opened scout and has done an excellent job of filling her racks with some of the most comfortable, laid back brands around.
she does a bang up job at executing that fashionable yet basic, at- ease look that i love... and she's got mix A-MAZING accessories to boot!
if you live in seattle or are planning a trip soon, please be sure to drop by. you're checking account might take a hit, but i promise you'll walk out with a smile on your face and a few treasures in hand.
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