Saturday, December 18, 2010

Capacity Building in the Indian Food Industry : Opportunities and Challenges

ABSTRACT: Processed food industry has evolved globally and is presently dominated by few countries. There are many forces driving this market in the developed countries but a developing country like India faces some unique challenges. It is estimated that only a small portion of our country’s fresh foods are processed although currently we are one of the world’s largest food producers. Almost 50% of the food produced is wasted due to various issues pertaining to capacity building right from technology to infrastructure and more.

India, with its growing economy and changing demographic profile is a land of tremendous opportunity for the processed food industry. This holds true for the nutraceutical industry too, where the demand is increasing. India has a lot of advantages like qualified human resources, worldclass R & D facilities and varied raw materials - aspects that give our country a leading edge. However the industry faces hurdles like poor infrastructure, high taxes, and cumbersome regulatory framework etc which becomes a road block in the path of capacity building.

While, India is on the threshold of becoming a Global leader, maximizing the resources and opportunities will be the key to success. For this, both the Government and Industry will have to work in tandem very quickly.

Key Words: Capacity Building, Food industry, Nutraceuticals, regulatory

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