Thursday, December 16, 2010

JOURNAL: Calcification of Diced Tomatoes by Liquid Dipping versus Electrostatic Power Coating

ABSTRACT: Diced tomatoes are commonly dipped in calcium solutions to increase their firmness and drained weights. Electrostatic powder coating may be an alternative method to evenly distribute calcium without wastewater production. The objective of this study was to determine if electrostatic powder coating would be as effective as liquid dipping for applying calcium to diced tomatoes. Tomato dices were dipped in a calcium solution for 0–240 s or powder-coated electrostatically with 0–500 mg/kg calcium. Drained weight and firmness increased with dip time and amount of calcium added for both methods. The diced tomatoes that were powder-coated electrostatically with calcium were firmer than the diced tomatoes dipped in calcium solution with the same final calcium content. Drained weights were not significantly different between the two treatments. Electrostatic powder coating could be used in the tomato processing industry to produce optimum firmness at lower calcium concentrations compared to liquid dipping.

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