Sunday, December 12, 2010

JOURNAL: Assesment of Environmental Management System for Agro Industries and Bottling Companies in Wami-Ruvu and Pangani Water Basins



The Water and Development Alliance (WADA) is a program that supports Tanzania’s new water governance strategy. The programme is implemented in two river water basins namely Wami-Ruvu and Pangani River Basins within the administrative regions of Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro and Tanga. The programme is managed through the USAID/Tanzania’s environment and natural resources management strategic objective and implemented by a partnership involving the Kwanza and Bonite Coca-Cola Bottlers, World Vision, the Tanzania Health, Environment and Sanitation Association (THESA), the Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island/Coastal Resource Centre through its Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership (TCMP) program office located in Dar es Salaam, Florida International University through its GLOWS program site in the Mara River Basin, the Division of Environment in the Vice President’s Office, the National Environment Management Council (NEMC), the Ministry of Water, the Ministry for Local Governments, the Wami-Ruvu River Basin Office, the Pangani River Water Basin Office, District Councils, Village Water Committees, Saadani National Park, and agro-industrial sugar and sisal producers including the Tanganyika Planting Company the Mtibwa Sugar Estate and the Kigombe Sisal Estate.

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