Sunday, December 19, 2010

JOURNAL: Peelability and Yield of Processing Tomatoes by Steam or Lye

ABSTRACT: Approximately 25% of the processed tomatoes grown in California are made into value-added foods such as whole peeled and diced tomatoes. Peel removal is the first step in this process, and it must be optimized for both quality and yield.

The effect of peeling conditions on tomato cultivars Halley 3155 and Heinz 8892 (H 8892) was evaluated. Considerable texture loss results from peeling; however, firmness was greater for cv. Halley 3155 than for cv. H 8892 regardless of peeling conditions utilized. Peeling under low steam pressures (12 psig) was insufficient to adequately peel either cultivar. While high pressure steam (18 psig) was more efficient at peel removal, increasing vacuum level from 20 in. to 24 in. did not improve peelability of either cultivar. Because cultivar affected peelability and yield, specific tomato cultivars should be evaluated and directed to either paste or whole peeled and diced tomatoes as appropriate.

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