Saturday, December 11, 2010

Indonesian Palm Oil Production Growth Reaches 14 Percent

Workers sort of palm bunches to be sent to CPO mill in the
area of PTPN VIII in Cigudeg, Bogor.
Tempo / Arie Basuki
Indonesia is able to generate additional production of crude palm oil (CPO) consistently as much as 1 to 1.5 million tonnes every year. It was according to the statement of Santosa, the Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk.

He added that the CPO production increasing was starting to grow since the last 10 years. It's almost equal to 14 percent of the oil palm grows every year.

He said that it's a very impressive growth, with growth rates as high as we eventually succeeded beyond Malaysia. Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world.

He added that as many as 74 percent of Indonesian palm oil production is used as a food ingredient, and 26 percent for industrial materials including fuel. The more that use palm oil as a renewable alternative fuel, the oil palm business in the future is very promising.

As well as Santosa statement, Widya Wiryawan, President Director of PT Agro Lestari Tbk, estimated that Idonesian CPO production could reach 25 million tons in the next five years and he added that currently the quantity of palm oil production reached 20 million tons per year.

He explained that the CPO production increasing is caused by the increase of oil palm plantations that reached 300 to 500 thousand hectares of new land per year.

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